Hi my name is Ben Ayling, but known in the community as Bay. I am here at the school to support the students and staff through my role as chaplain. I do this by being available to chat with any students or parents at any time about issues that may be affecting students or their families. When needed, I will help link students and families into appropriate support services. I am happy to pray with or for people if they wish and am available to answer questions of faith if you have any.

Bay is funded by the National School Chaplaincy and Welfare program (NSCSWP) to be at the school on Tuesdays & Thursdays. He is also funded by local churches and community members to be at the school on Wednesdays as Youth Worker and Scripture Coordinator.
You can contact Bay at any time.
Mobile: 0402419290 or by email bay.ayling@ccca.org.au
Chaplain’s role
The Chaplain’s role is to assist the school community through the provision of help and support the personal, social and spiritual wellbeing of students and the school community. Services could include but are not limited to;
- Working with the school counsellors and welfare team.
- Providing students, their families and staff with emotional support and/or appropriate referrals in difficult situations.
- Supporting students who desire to explore their spirituality, values and ethical matters or referring to appropriate services to do so.
- We are approachable to all school community members regardless of culture, faith background, age or gender.
- Provide services with a spiritual content including facilitation of discussion groups and lunchtime programs with the consent of the Principal.
- Participate in school activities and projects, such as camps.
- Contribute to school newsletters.
- Facilitate activities connecting students with other community groups.
Participation in any program or service conducted by the School Chaplain is voluntary. Families may opt out by contacting the School Principal: Joe Begnell.
The Chaplain will usually be present at the school Tuesday-Thursday. There may be times when these days change to allow for the chaplain to attend school events/excursions. On Thursday the Chaplain will also play the role of Scripture Coordinator. It has been determined that the same person is the most appropriate person in this school setting to hold both roles. This role is paid for by a group of local churches and does not use the funds from the NSCSWP.
400 hours per year, an average of 10 hours per week, is funded by the National School Chaplaincy and Student Welfare Program. The additional hours are funded by local churches & local community members.
Complaints procedure:
Any complaints regarding the Chaplain should be directed to the School Principal, who will then follow internal policies.
Qualifications & Engagement Process
The Chaplain meets the employment qualifications as outlined by DEEWR in the document: National School Chaplaincy and Student Welfare Guidelines. They are subject to all the required checks as outlined by this document. The Funding Body is responsible for conducting those checks and providing evidence of the outcome to the School Principal.
Selection of the appropriate person for the role of the Chaplain is made by Youth Ministries Australia (a part of CCCA) in consultation with the school Principal. The final decision is made with the Principal’s endorsement.
Evaluation of the Program
Annual evaluation of the program is required by DEEWR in the document: National School Chaplaincy and Student Welfare Guidelines. This is conducted by the Funding Body with support from the school. An annual report will be presented to school community, usually via the staff, P&C and/or SRC. Following presentation of the report the school community will be asked to confirm ongoing support for the continuation of the program.
This project was funded by the Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace relations under the National School Chaplaincy and Student Welfare Program.
More information is available from the DEEWR website: