Doonside Technology High School

Community, Ownership, Resilience & Empowerment

Telephone02 9622 2463

Personal development, health and physical education

Personal development, health and physical education (PDHPE) is mandatory from Kindergarten to Year 10.

According to the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA), students are expected to participate in PDHPE for 300 hours per year in Years 7 to 10.

PDHPE provides students with opportunities to explore issues that are likely to impact on the health, safety and wellbeing of themselves and others – now and in the future. Students also participate in challenging and enjoyable physical activity, improving their capacity to move with skill and confidence.

In Year 11 and 12, courses available include:

  • Community and Family Studies
  • Exploring Early Childhood
  • Personal Development, Health and Physical Education
  • Sport, Lifestyle and Recreation Studies.

Students studying PDHPE at Doonside Technology High School will have the opportunity to participate in a diverse range of learning experiences.  Theory lessons centre on equipping students with the knowledge and skills they will require to practise and maintain healthy lifestyles.  In practical lessons students will participate in a wide range of activities with the focus being on participation and enjoyment.  This may involve the use of our gymnasium which is equipped with state of the art cardio and resistance training equipment.  PDHPE courses offered include;

Stage 4

  • Year 7 and 8 Mandatory PDHPE

Stage 5

  • Year 9 and 10 Mandatory PDHPE
  • 200 Hour Human Movement
  • 200 Hour Human Movement (Rugby League)
  • 80 Hour Physical Activity and Sport Studies

Stage 6

  • 2 Unit Sport, Lifestyle and Recreation
  • 2 Unit Community and Family Studies
  • 2 Unit Personal Development, Health and Physical Education
  • 2 Unit SVET Sports Coaching

PDHPE Faculty

The PDHPE faculty is comprised of highly skilled and motivated staff.  In addition to being accomplished classroom teachers, they are heavily involved in numerous welfare and extra curricular programs including year advising, sport organising, bring it on and showcase.